The Junior Firefighter program allows the fire district to accept high school students, ages 15 to 17, onto the fire department. The goal of this program is to teach basic firefighting skills in a safe and controlled environment to prepare the member to transition into a Firefighter once they turn 18 years old. This volunteer program could be a great steppingstone to prepare an aspiring firefighter for their future career and to jumpstart training and certifications required for the job. Even if the member does not want to pursue firefighting as a full-time career, it is still a great and unique opportunity to serve the community in a volunteer capacity.

What can I do as a Junior Firefighter?

  • Participate in weekly trainings under the supervision of a fire instructor.
  • Respond to emergencies once training requirements are met.
  • Attend fire schools.
  • Assist in exterior firefighting operations.
  • Retrieve tools for firefighters.
  • Assist during auto extrication.
  • Attend community events with the fire district.
  • And much more!