The Spencer County Fire Protection District is organized in accordance with the Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 75. Chapter 75 specifies the laws which pertains to the operation of a fire protection district. The district operates under the assumed name of Taylorsville-Spencer County Fire Protection District. A fire district is governed by seven trustees,

The district is funded by taxes from real and personal property. This tax is collected by the Spencer County Sheriff’s Office and is part of your Spencer County Tax Bill which is mailed out each fall. The vehicle tax is collected by the Spencer County Clerk’s Office at the time you renew your license plates.

Tax rates are cents per $100 of property valuation.

  • Real Property 7
  • Tangible Personal Property 10
  • Merchants Inventory 10
  • Motor Vehicle 10 
  • Personal Aircraft – Exempt
  • Documented Watercraft – Exempt
  • Inventory in Transit – Exempt


Glen Goebel, Chairperson

Annelle Hoene, Vice Chairperson

Davis Lee Downs, Treasurer

Nathan Nation, Secretary

Bill Wood,  Trustee

Darrell Stevens, Trustee

Ray Wilson Armstrong, Trustee

James Hodge, Attorney